
Our Ministries

Our minisitry list offers extensive opportunities to serve and to use your time, talent, and treasure.

Altar Linens

Is coordinated by the Altar Society. Special care of Altar linens used during consecration and distribution of Holy Eucharist and Blood of Christ.

Altar Servers

May be male or female, having made their First Holy Communion and in the third grade or older. They assist the Presider at the altar during Mass at 5:30pm Saturdays, or Sunday 8:30am or 10:30am. Schedules are mailed out regularly. Training is provided.

Choir and Music Ministers

Provide the music for Sunday liturgies, Holy Day liturgies, special devotions, and funeral masses. Practice is once each week.

Church Cleaning

Volunteers are scheduled on a rotating basis to do light housekeeping, sweeping, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, windows, holy water fonts, dusting, etc in the church.

Coffee and Donuts

Provides a chance for parishioners to meet each other and build fellowship with one another after Mass on Sundays. Volunteers are scheduled to set up and serve. A schedule and instructions are mailed regularly to the volunteers. Coffee, donuts, and juice are provided by Sacred Heart.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Distribute Eucharist during Mass. An EMHC must be a practicing Catholic in good standing, at least 18 years of age, confirmed, and able to recieve the Eucharist. Schedules are mailed regularly. Training is provided.

Food Pantry/Needy Fund

Provides food to those in need. Food is distributed every 2nd and 4th Saturday from 9:00am to 10:00am. The Pantry is stocked with food and funds donated by parishioners. Work is done through the week to replenish the pantry, prepare and hand out boxes.

Knights of Columbus

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS If you are a Catholic male over the age of 18 (or know of one) and not in the Knights of Columbus, I hope the 5 reasons below will encourage you to join this great fraternal organization of the Catholic Church that is founded on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
1. The Heartbeat of the Knights of the Columbus is Service.
2. The Knights of Columbus Supports the Catholic Church.
3. The Knights of Columbus are Pro-Family.
4. The Knights of Columbus are strongly and devoutly Pro-Life.
5. The Knights of Columbus are Faithful to the Catholic Church.

Lectors/Reader Ministers

Proclaim the first and second readings of scripture for Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Training is provided.

Meals on Wheels

Volunteers deliver prepared meals from Plains Regional Medical Center to homebound residents. Routes are prepared by the coordinator in charge. Sacred Heart is called approximately every 6 weeks for volunteers for about 1 hour each day, Monday through Friday. Contact is enjoyed by both volunteer and “customer”.

Parish Library

Provides appropriate and up-to-date Catholic literature to support Catholicism and its philosophy and to provide a support system for catechesis, RCIA, and Bible Study groups. Materials may be checked out by parishioners during parish office hours.


Promotes the dignity of human life from conception to the end of life.


(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a discernment proccess by which non-baptized, baptized non-Catholics, or uncatechized Catholics receive the required doctrinal and spiritual preparation for reception into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

Religious Education Grades K-5

Provides a catechetical program for children of our parish. Sacramental Preparation is also provided for those children in need of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. All teachers and aides are volunteers.

Sacred Heart Prayer Chain

A group of parishioners who devote themselves to prayer for those who are sick or otherwise in need. We have three greoups – those who are available to accept phone calls during the daytime or during the evening and those who want to be notified through e-mail.

Ushers/Ministers of Welcome

Greet and Seat parioshioners and visitors, take up collections, and give aid for special needs during Mass on Sunday and Holy Days. May need to pick up loose paper and song books after Mass, secure outside doors, make sure all lights are off after liturgies.

Youth Ministries

For grades 6-12 offers a catechetical program for the youth in our parish. Activities include Praise & Worship, Scripture readings and meditation, lessons on applying Scripture to our daily lives, retreats.
Confirmation: Sacramental preparation is a two year program for those students in grades 8 thru 12 in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Become a Member!

We are so blessed to have a thriving church where there is opportunity for every individual to grow in their Catholic faith. We welcome you and may God bless you!

Please tell us about your household and fill out as many fields as possible to help us in registering you to become a Parishioner of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

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