Sacramental Life
By God’s perfect design and infinite grace, we encounter the living Christ in the sacraments.
Some sacraments, like the Eucharist, we celebrate daily. Others, like Baptism and Confirmation, Marriage, and the like, we celebrate only once. At Sacred Heart, we follow and love Christ fully through the sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Below you will find the information necessary to help you respond to Christ's invitation to meet you in the sacraments. If you need any help, please call the parish office at (575) 763-6947.
“Sacraments are ‘powers that come forth’ from the Body of Christ, which is ever-living and life-giving. They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church. They are ‘the masterworks of God’ in the new and everlasting covenant.”
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church §1116